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This school project is about form, materials and connections based on a cube. You need to stay within a cube of 80x80x80 mm, it needs to be a form without a function, and should not have a fixed orientation.
July 01, 2020

Cube 1 –

Antoine Pevsner style

Cube 2 –

Urban Decay

Cube 3 –

Kinky Mathematics

Cube 4 –

Hyperbolic Paraboloids

Cube 1 – Antoine Pevsner style

As the artist, Antoine Pevsner who used mathematics as bases for his art is the following four cubes formed by this principle. The cube above is the first cube formed by this principle and style of Antoine Pevsner. By studying his work came the idea to form a hyperbolic paraboloid form of a cube. A hyperbolic paraboloid form is a form that is not common in architecture and design. 

Home Cube 1 – The style inspired by Rietveld


Home Cube 2 – Inspired by Donald Judd


Cube 2 – Urban Decay

This cube is Inspired by the ruins of ancient temple complex Angkor Wat, in Cambodia. Bamboo is linked to Asian culture. The rusty colour of the steel refers to the red colour of the stones of Angkor Wat. The moss refers to the jungle that overgrows the ruins.

Cube  – Kinky Mathematics

This cube is inspired by the gay leather scene and the beauty of mathematics. The form is based on the mathematical equations for the hyperbolic paraboloid. In the cube, you can recognize the form of two hyperboles and two parabolas.
The materials, leather and steel are associated with the kinky gay scene.

Cube 5 – Hyperbolic Paraboloids

This cube is the last cube in the series of hyperbolic paraboloids. It has the purest form and the most minimalistic structure. The cube consists of a steel frame and elastic nylon. The pure mathematical form appears naturally, by stretching the fabric between the four extreme points of the steel frame.

I loved the proces so much!